Meetings: Chatting in the Chat box
From DurhamtechWiki
Chat box
- A Chat box is displayed on the right side of Meetings in the default layout.
- At the bottom of the Chat box, type in text, then click on the Send Message or "Arrow" button. All participants will see your message.
- Usually, all participants can type in Chat messages.
Can I chat with a specific student?
- Near the top of the Chat box, beside the Public tab, click on the Options tab.
- Click on the name of a user. A new Chat tab will appear, with the user name.
- In the user's Chat tab, type in text, click on the Arrow button / Send Message.
- Only the selected user will see a new Chat tab appear with your name. They have to click on the tab starting with your name.
- The user will then be able to see your private Chat message.
- If the user responds to your private Chat message, their message will pop-up in your Chat tab with their user name.
- Click on the Public tab, to post chat messages to all participants.
What other options are available
- At the top of the Chat box, click on the Options tab.
- Click on the number beside Chat Message Font Size, click on a new font size, such as 12 or 14.
- Add a check beside Audible Chat Notification to hear when new participants arrive
- To manage Public Chat, you can click on an icon to download the chat, copy it or clear public chat messages
Chat FAQ's
- To share a video, share the video link in the Chat box. If you try to share your desktop and play the video, students won't hear the video, only the presenter will!
- Can I turn off private chat? YES.
- In the User area, you can now lock users Private Chat.
- Note: Don't lock viewers from using the Public Chat if they don't have a microphone, they won't be able to communicate with you!