What's New in Sakai 11

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Revision as of 11:16, 19 December 2016 by Mcphaulk (talk | contribs)
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Durham Tech upgraded to Sakai 11 on December 19.

Major changes


Sakai 11 has a new look-and-feel, designed to display well on mobile devices. With the new design come a few navigational changes. View the video below to learn how to navigate in Sakai 11 and to get a preview of other significant changes.

Sakai 11 has a new look-and-feel, designed to display well on mobile devices. With the new design come a few navigational changes. View the video below to learn how to navigate in Sakai 11 and to get a preview of other significant changes.


The following tools have changed significantly in Sakai 11. Follow the links to learn more:

Smaller changes

Tests & Quizzes

  • A new question type called hot spot lets you ask students to identify specific areas on an image (for example, a place on a map or a part of the body).
  • Settings options are much the same, but have been reorganized and streamlined into 4 sections. (There used to be 10!)



Text Editor Toolbar


Minimal to no changes

The following tools have changed very little, if at all, in Sakai 11:

  • Announcements
  • Forums
  • Email/Email Archive
  • Blogs
  • Drop Box
  • Chat Room
  • Meetings