Curriculum Online Course Guidelines
Durham Tech's Curriculum Online Course Guidelines summarize the essential elements of quality online instruction. The guidelines are intended to provide guidance for instructors new to online teaching; to help experienced online instructors identify areas for improvement; to assist supervisors with evaluating online instruction; and to guide professional development and training efforts.
- Print the Guidelines | Self-Assessment Checklist
TIP: Click Expand beside a guideline to see ideas and how-tos for incorporating it into your online course. |
Course expectations / Basic course information
1. The course syllabus explains clearly and specifically:
- how online attendance will be tracked
- how to contact the instructor and response time to expect
- ground rules for online communication (netiquette)
- expectations for participation (how often students should visit the course site, check email)
- any special tools or materials required
- course structure and due dates
- student learning outcomes (as provided by the academic department)
2. The course home page lists the course title and the instructor's name and contact information.
(Optionally, the instructor can also add an image, course description, list of course outcomes, or other items to make the site welcoming and unique.)
Course organization and content
4. The Lessons area of the course contains a subpage for each week of the class. Each weekly subpage includes clear and complete details for assignments and activities, including due dates.
6. The course includes assignments that promote active learning and utilize online tools and resources.
7. The course incorporates appropriate multimedia elements (such as images, videos, links to external resources) that support learning outcomes.
8. The course provides opportunities for regular student-instructor and student-student interaction. The instructor may use a variety of tools to accomplish this interaction (Announcements, Email, Forums, Chat, Blogs, Meetings, etc.)
9. The instructor posts an announcement at least once a week to provide updates and reminders.
11. The Sakai Gradebook is set up and consistent with the grading procedures stated in the syllabus. Grades are posted regularly, allowing students to track their progress.
12. The instructor provides meaningful, timely feedback to students on their work, consistent with expectations stated in the syllabus or other course documents.
13. Online tests and quizzes use recommended settings to minimize cheating and technical problems.