Tools: Open Source Software

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What is Open Source?

The term Open Source originally referred to computer software development, but today it refers not only to software but a set of values about products and their creation and use by others. According to

Open source projects, products, or initiatives are those that embrace and celebrate open exchange, collaborative participation, rapid prototyping, transparency, meritocracy, and community development.

What is Open Source Software?

Open Source Software is software that is available for anyone to change.

"Source code" is the part of software you can't see; it's the code that makes a web page display, a document to open, or a video to play. Programmers who can get to the source code can change the way your web page displays, can add new ways you can change a document, and can make your video play correctly in a new video tool.

What is an example of Open Source Software?

Durham Tech is using Sakai, an open source learning management system. Instead of just a few people working on the LMS, programmers, designers, developers, testers, and users all over the world improve the software and contribute updates to the entire Sakai community.

What's the difference between Open Source Software and other software available?

Companies like Microsoft and Adobe don't allow anyone to see or change their product code, such as for products like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop. The code for these products are owned by the companies, and are often referred to as "proprietary software". When you use their products, you usually have to agree that you won't do anything with the product unless permitted by the owners.

Open Source Software is different. The authors/owners make the code available for anyone to view, copy, download, change and share. You have to sign a license, but Open Source Software licenses are very different. They promote sharing of updates and improvements, and often require changes to be available to anyone who wants to use the software. Popular examples are:

Why do people prefer using Open Source Software?

  • If you're a user, you can use the product any way you like, not the way the owners want you to.
  • If you're an administrator, some people consider open source software more secure and stable. Why? Open source software has the benefit of hundreds of programmers and users testing and using the product, unlike a for-profit firm that has limited staff and resources to test their products extensively. Open source software is often fixed and upgraded more quickly than software owned by one company.
  • If you're a programmer, you can customize the product. And working with code and contributing it often makes you a better programmer.
  • If you're a product manager, many users prefer to use software they know will be used for long periods of time, and not discarded or forgotten by a corporation.

Where can I find Open Source Software?

  • The Free Software Directory : A catalog of free software for games, mathematics, science, education, business, images, video, audio, web pages.