YouTube MyWebcam
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Create Videos using YouTube’s My Webcam Tool
YouTube’s My Webcam tool is a free tool you can use to record short videos using a webcam. Instructors could record videos and add them to Sakai courses to introduce yourself to students in your classes. Or introduce weekly lessons or assignments.
What do I need to record a video?
- Gmail account
- Webcam (some webcams have built in microphones)
- Microphone (if your webcam doesn’t have a microphone)
- Flash installed on your computer
Tip: Before recording your video it’s a good idea to write a script. Save the script as a text file. You can use your script to add captions to your video.
Record and upload a video
- YouTube’s My Webcam tool
- Log in with a Gmail account
- Record a video. Instructions for recording a video (YouTube)
- Enter info about the video in Basic info
- Enter a title for your video
- Enter a description for your video
- Tags: Delete the webcam and video tags
- Video privacy settings:
- Select Unlisted (recommended setting) from the drop down list
- Public (anyone can search and find the video)
- Unlisted (the video is not available via search, only people with the link can see the video)
- Private (the video is only available to you)
- More info about video privacy settings (YouTube)
- Select Unlisted (recommended setting) from the drop down list
- Click Save changes
Add captions to a video
- In the YouTube Video Manager on the left side of the screen, click on Uploads. Find the video you want to add captions to and click Edit.
- At the top of the screen click on Captions. Click on the + Add a new track drop down list and choose Upload a file. Click Upload to browse your computer for your script file. You’ll receive a confirmation that the transcript is syncing with the video. This may take a few minutes.
- After the transcript is synced with the video the track will display in the Active tracks list.
- Click Play to watch the video with captions.
- Click on Info and Settings. On the right side of the screen look for Video Information. The Video URL: is the link to the video that you’ll add to your Sakai course. Copy this link.
Add a video to a Sakai course in Lessons
- Instructions for using the Sakai Lessons tool
- Log in to Sakai and go to the course that you want to add your video to.
- On the course menu click on Lessons.
- Click on Add Multimedia. Paste the YouTube video link in the URL: box and click Save. The video will display in the lesson.
- Add a link to the video. Click on Add Text and use the text editor to add the video link. Click on the Link button and paste the link in the URL box. Click on the Target tab and select New Window (_blank) from the drop down list. Click Ok. Click Save.