Sakai: Assignments
From DurhamtechWiki
- Create Assignments handout
- [How to Setup an Assignment in Sakai] video
- Create and Grade Assignments (Duke)
- Create, Grade, and Download Multiple Submissions and Grade Assignments (University of Florida)
- Return a Submission to a Student for Editing (University of Florida)
- Why can't my student resubmit their assignment? (February, 2014)
- How can I submit an Assignment on Behalf of a Student (Loyola)
- Note: Submitting an assignment for a student works correctly with assignments except for those using the Turnitin feature.
- Provide Feedback for Assignments (Duke)
- Provide students with Feedback in Assignments (UNC-CH)
- How can students view comments that instructors leave for assignments? (Duke)
- Instructor Summary Comments Display to Students in Gradebook - NEW! (July 2014)
- Turnitin Options in Sakai Assignments (Rutgers)
Drop Box
- Drop Box (Rutgers)
- What's the difference between the Drop Box and Resources? (Duke University)