VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Ending the Session Wow! That was great. We are already done with our meeting. Well, where is our recording? Well, let's click on the Meetings tab at the top. Once we do that, you can see that there is a Recordings tab. Let's click on Recordings tab. We don't have a recording there yet because usually it takes at least the time of your meeting to -- such as ours was about 15 minutes -- it'll probably take about 15 minutes before I'll see my recording there. So let's look at another course where I had a meeting that I recorded. I'll go to the other course. I'll go to Meetings. Just like we did before, we'll click on the Recordings tab. Now you can see the name of the meeting. And you can decide if you want to hide it from your students for a while. By default, it's published and available to your students. To the right you'll see three different links. Video and Presentation are similar. If you click on Video, you'll be able to see your recording and play it. That's as simple as it gets. We'll close that tab. You also have Statistics. Only the instructor can see the statistics. Students cannot. So if you click on Statistics, you'll see that it shows how long the meeting was, the duration, who is present, and they have a few different ideas about what is attention. And it shows all your polls and the responses. You can click on each poll. Otherwise, you can go further below. You'll see the duration or how long your students were in your meeting. And you can click on any of your student's names and get detailed information. Now if you see the Joined and Left times, those are UTC. So if you subtract four hours, you'll get Eastern Standard Time. And all of these look like they were starting at 14:44 and left at 14:57. You also see the activity score and their polling results. But you better remember which poll and what your questions were and answers to know what those poll results mean. Let's close Martin's information. And we can also download the results if we want as well. Let's close the tab. And you can see that we're back into the recording area where it shows that the recording date and time. The time that the recording started was about 14:41, which matches some of the times that your students were participating.