VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Polling Students Polling is one of the most effective ways to engage students for learning and as a teacher we've made it even easier. For example, if you click True/False, you're given two choices -- True and False, which are editable. And when you click Start Poll, the students will be prompted to click on either a button for True or False, and you see the results coming back live. At any time, you can publish your results, and they could publish the presentation area as whiteboard marks. So, you can erase them if you want. Let's do another example. Here we'll do an A-B-C-D poll, but we're going to edit the labels. So, you can change them to whatever you want... [TYPES RED, GREEN, AND BLUE AS ANSWER CHOICES. THE FOURTH ANSWER CHOICE REMAINS D.] Red, Green, Blue, and we'll remove one of the options. [CLICKS THE TRASHCAN NEXT TO THE FOURTH ANSWER CHOICE] This is a three choice poll where the users just click on one of three buttons. Again, you can publish it. It goes to the presentation area. We've added a new polling option for user response, so this means that users will be prompted to type in a response. So you provide a question. Here we'll do 'What is your favorite color?' and we'll Start Poll. And as before, you'll see the results come back, but the results are coming back based on what the users typed in. And they're grouped together, in the graph. So here we see Green and Purple. You can publish again to the presentation area, and then we now publish them, also, to the chat. So the polls become a running record inside the chat -- a very effective way to engage students online for learning.