VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Launching Your Meeting [VOICEOVER] And let's join our meeting. I'll click on the Student Meeting link. And you'll see that you have a description that you typed in, the title Student Meeting. You'll see that you have one link...Join meeting. Click on Join meeting. The first thing you're going to be given is a choice about, do you want to use a microphone or listen only? Usually you'll choose microphone. You want your students to hear you. Your students though, you can tell them to only listen. And they can use the chat to ask questions. I'm going to click on the microphone. You might be asked to allow the microphone to record. And it's connecting. Now I have to speak a few words. I can hear my audio. I'll click Yes. Otherwise, I'll click No, and pick a different audio recording device. [SAKAI MEETINGS] You are currently the only person in this conference. [VOICEOVER] Ooh! Now I've joined my meeting. What does your student see? Well, if I go up to the top right, click on View Site As, and Student, you'll see your student sees a link that they'll click on called Student Meeting