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More tools for online instruction



Create simple videos or audio recordings

To learn more:


Narrating PowerPoints

Convert PowerPoints into video lectures

To learn more:
Narrating PowerPoints and Sharing Them on Warpwire


Sakai Meetings

Hold "live" online meetings with your students


To learn more:
Sakai Meetings (BigBlueButton)

Hold an online meeting (webinar) with your class

Meetings (BigBlueButton) is a webinar tool available in Sakai that allows instructors to hold live, online meetings with students.

  • You can display presentations, use a white board, use audio and/or a webcam, chat with your students, share your desktop, record the meeting, and more.
  • Meetings is a synchronous tool, which means users have to be online at the same time to interact. You can record your Meetings, and students can view the recordings in Sakai.

For details and handouts, visit:
Sakai Meetings (BigBlueButton)

Convert PowerPoint lectures to videos

PowerPoint contains tools for adding voice narrations to your slides. You can then export your narrated PowerPoint to a video and upload it to Sakai using a special tool in Sakai called Warpwire.

For instructions, see:
Narrating PowerPoints and Sharing Them on Warpwire

Create videos, audio recordings, and screencasts

Sakai contains a tool called Warpwire for creating videos or audio recordings and sharing them with students. With Warpwire, instructors can…

  • use a webcam to record a video of themselves talking
  • create an audio-only recording
  • record a “screencast” demonstrating something on their computer screen
  • record a video on a phone or tablet and share with students in Sakai

For details and step-by-step handouts, visit: