Sakai 11 Upgrade

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What is Sakai 11?

Sakai 11 is a new version of Sakai that is currently being developed and is expected to be released sometime in Summer 2016.

When will Durham Tech upgrade to Sakai 11?

Durham Tech plans to upgrade to Sakai 11 on August 1, 2016, if the new version is ready by then. If not, we expect to upgrade on December 19, 2016. For technical reasons the upgrade must be done by December 31, 2016.

What's new and different in Sakai 11?

Sakai 11 has a completely new look-and-feel. The user interface has been redesigned for easier viewing on mobile devices and tablets. In addition…

  • The Lessons tool has a new and simplified interface, with consolidated menus, and common tasks quickly accessible on the page. New layout options allow flexibility to arrange content in groups or blocks.
  • The Gradebook tool will offer options for recording extra credit. A new spreadsheet interface is also in the works, to make entering grades easier.
  • Building assessments in Tests & Quizzes is exactly the same, but you will find 2 new question types: hot spot and extended matching. Also, test Settings have been streamlined, and a new option lets you give specific students extra time or a different time frame for taking a test.
  • The Assignments tool is the same too, but with new features for Peer Review and Group Submission.

What will stay the same in Sakai 11?

Lots of functions are unchanged in the new version. The following tools have no changes (or minor, barely noticeable changes) in Sakai 11:

  • Announcements
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • Resources
  • Drop Box
  • Email
  • Email Archive
  • Chat
  • Meetings
  • Import from Site

What will happen to my course content and data?

Your existing course site (and project site) content and data will stay the same. Just the tools and buttons you use to interact with it will look different, and some will have new features you can use.

How can I learn more about Sakai 11?

Instructional Technologies is hard at work learning the new version, updating support materials, and planning training to help faculty make the transition. Stay tuned for more info on Sakai 11 training opportunities!

How will the Sakai 11 upgrade affect students?

Aside from the new look-and-feel, changes in functionality for students will be minimal. Instructional Technologies will provide videos and support materials for students, closer to the rollout of the new version.